It is a grave sin for an Irish Catholic World Leader to Profess fealty to / support Zionism, And to be the recipient of the greatest amount of Zionist Lobby Bribery Funding OR to FUND & ARM GENOCIDE

Catholic Doctrine teaches Zionism is a Heresy Catholicism.org

Christian Zionism, Tracing the Lines of a Warmongering Heresy


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❓WHO ARE The Wicked God Sent His Profit Isaiah To Chastise❓

ALL of Isaiah from chapter 57 on is an IF :THEN Rant of visceral Sorrow by God regarding Israel’s BROKEN Covenant, as He blatantly declares how infuriating to Him are Israel’s LUST, LIES and BARGAINS For EVIL ~

Isaiah 57:19-21 declares PEACE, not bloodshed of Human Sacrifice is God’s Fruit, Peace to those Near and Far~ But the wicked are like the troubled sea, which cannot rest, and its waters cast up mire and dirt. There is “no peace,” says an exasperated God, “for [in] these wicked.”❗️


🚫“No Peace” SAY THE WICKED (Isaiah Chapter 57 verses 19-21)🚫

In Isaiah chapter 59 God’s visceral Sorrow Rages On, Against The Wicked

Your iniquities have come between you and your God,

Your sins have hid His face from you. He will not hear you [wicked]


🩸Your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity;

🩸Your lips have spoken lies, your tongue has muttered perverseness.

🩸None calls for Justice, nor does anyone plead for Truth;

🩸They trust in vanity [not God] and speak lies.

🩸They conceive evil and bring forth iniquity [depravity]

🩸Their works are works of iniquity,

🩸 Acts of violence are in their hands.

🩸Their feet run to evil,

🩸They make haste to shed innocent blood;🩸

🩸Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity;

🩸Wasting and destruction are in their paths.🩸

🩸They have not walked the way of peace, 🩸

🩸 there is no justice in their ways.🩸

🩸 They have made crooked paths for themselves;

🩸 Whoever goes therein shall not know peace.

Therefore [that is why] justice is far from us; nor does righteousness overtake us.

🔥 We wait for Israel’s Great Light (Is 9:2) but behold, only darkness;

We long for brightness, but walk in deep shadows

🔥 1st Chronicles 22:8

“You may not build a house for my name, because you have shed too much blood upon the earth in my sight.”

🔥 1st Chronicles 22:13

Only then shall you succeed, *if you* are careful to observe the statutes and ordinances which the LORD commanded Moses for Israel.

🔥 Matthew Chp 5 verse 13

You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, with what shall it be salted? For it no longer has any strength, but is to be thrown out and to be trampled upon by men.

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