good for Dennis Kucinich. I am with him and cant fathom rfk's failure to call out Netanyahoo even tho he does claim to not be a supporter, his actions even still 2 months down the road are incredulous to me and they fly in the face of his talk. He stated on the Rising interview today with Krystal and Sagar that all Palestinian children are raised to hate Jews. Who is tell him that kind of bunk? Why is he listening.....

I found this article after watching in horror that video on Rising bc I knew it would make no sense that DK would still back him.

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You are correct to follow the money. However, you, and RFK Jr. have not gone all the way down the rabbit hole. While it is true the corporations, via their lobbyists, exert the influence on government's, the whole truth, I term the "Deep Secret" , is that the collective goverments of the US, OWN all the corporations, through the stock holdings via their pension funds. In many cases, majority stock, give them "corporate governance" over the corporations, including the Social and Legacy Media. The conflict of influence is earth shattering. As our government's are corporations themselves, we are facists by definition, but also Communist, as the government owns all the corporations. This is not conspiracy theory, but conspiracy fact, documented by their own documents, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, CAFRs, they file each year. To understand this perverted application of the 14th amendment, section 4, "payment of pensions shall not be questioned" research this "Deep Secret", Clint Richardson's "The Great Pension Fund Hoax" is a good start.


Also Walter Burien's


Both, Walter the original, Clint the deep dive documentarian student, prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, this Fascist/Communist parasitic system of government existing solely to control us into providing THEM with a salary AND a retirement. With RFK Jr., I feel for the first time in my life I will NOT have to choose between the lesser of 2 evils, as I find no evil in this man and neither has anyone else. For if they had, it would be headline 24/7. I believe this whole stance on Israel narrative, is in fact, a manufactured evil designed to tarnish his otherwise stellar record and morals. Considering the fact that at this time in history, ANY stance, other than total support for Israel, is a death toll for ANY candidate, as he will never be "allowed" to occupy the White House , with the opposite stance. This should not be a make or break issue as it is designed to be. I say, get him in the White House first, then let see what his policy is. If he doesn't get assassinated, as the tract record Seems to be, before or after, then maybe we will actually have change for the better, assuming he exposes the "Deep Secret". Besides, when considering our options, he is by far, head and shoulders above any and all comers, the best man for the job. What do we have to lose, what do we have to gain? Everything. Note: please copy, download, whatever can be done to preserve this information because once "the Deep Secret" starts to become more widely known, the censorship machine gets wind, the PTSB, the Powers That Shouldn't Be, will be in hyperdrive. This Deep Secret is more important than any other issues, including Israel, by ordered of magnitude. Expose it!


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Anyone know why he resigned. fyi.. An update from the TeamKennedy campaign: UPDATE 10-22-23 – Team Kennedy, Patricia Noble, replied with this following piece of potentially good news: "Mr. Kennedy is presently working on a Mideast policy statement which will hopefully be out soon. Otherwise the characterization that Mr. Kucinich left the campaign because of [the] difference RFK, Jr. on policy is flat out not true." https://flybynews.wordpress.com/2023/10/22/coleen-rowley-whistleblower-rfk-gaza/

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alas. I got the same note from Kennedy campaign they were also hopeful of a change in his attitude, but he's dug in deeper instead

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Yes.. in my comment under this following blog post I question if he is being blackmailed from a honeypot scheme or something like that. Even if that is the case, past sins can be forgiven, but pushing the Israeli side during a genocide will not allow him to gain a majority votes to win the 3-way POTUS 2024 race. in my opinion. https://flybynews.wordpress.com/2024/06/29/obstacle-for-rfk-jr-to-win-potus-election/

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This article at least offers some speculation for why Dennis Kucinich might have left the RFK Jr. campaign. I thought it might be a question of strategy and launching his independent run too soon. I thought it was too soon. Should've let Biden abuse him a bit, let the DNC make some under handed things and take the resulting publicity before taking off independently.

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I think a big part of his decision-making concerns getting publicity. Under the Dem banner he was not getting anything but abuse and denial. Given the Dem control of the media, not sure anything he does will get him the kind of coverage he wants/needs.

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Now that RFK Jr. has proven to all he CAN be bought and bullied (contrary to how Kucinich introduced him in Boston) I wonder if the DNC will have a change of heart. You know Hillary Clinton is lurking . . . .

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I think I might have met someone from the West Express at RFK Jr.'s announcment of his switch to an Independent candidate in Philly as I met someone there passing out their latest edition. I am sorry I have no knowledge of this publication and that was my first encounter with it.

In my opinion I think Dennis stepped down over his disagreement with Bobby over his support for Israel, of which I agree, however, I understand RFK Jr.'s reasons. I believe this is due to that fact that an opposite position would be a death toll to any chance at the White House at this time in history. I am also concerned that Bobbys' new campaign manager being "ex" CIA maybe problematic, but do not know much about her and believe that her intelligence background does not necessarily count her out as a patriot, Ray McGovern as an example. However, none of this my main concern of this reply as I am on a mission to get anyone to listen to my main concern, ownership of most US corporations by the collective US goverments pension funds.

I support Bobbys' run and particularly because of his stance against "agency capture" and "revolving door" policies between government and business. However, the reality is that it is not a revolving door, but in fact, no door at all. According to the 288K+ Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, CAFRs, filed by the collective US goverments proves that they own majority stocks in most all of the fortune 500, banks, MIC (Military Industrial Complex), MPAC (Medical Pharmacutical Agricultural Complex), BFC (Banking Financial Complex), Education, and but not limited to, the SLMPC, (Social & Legacy Media Propoganda Complex) corporations. Except for MIC, the rest are my acronyms, think they work.

As such, we are given the approved narrative that the corporations (whom we can't vote out), control the goverments through their lobbyists, when in fact the governments, (whom we can vote out), control the corporations through corporate governance due to their majority stock ownership. Bobby espouses the former.

Sanctions are in reality restrictions on where these funds, known as "Institutional Investors" in the financial news, one of the largest pools of money, the big boys, in the world, are allowed to invest in. The COI, (Conflict Of Interest), is staggering. How can the people hope to have any real represention in our governance, there ever be ends to wars, actual concern for our health and prosperity, if our goverments own everything?

A look at one section of one CAFR, the California State Teachers Retirement fund, CALSTRS, ONLY one of the 288K+ CAFRs filed annually, proves this terrifying fact.


Clint Richardsons' extremely well documented, to the point of beating a dead horse, proves beyond any doubt, that this in fact reality.


I think Bobby is the best chance for our country and for the first time in my life, feel I don't have to vote for the lesser of 2 evils, as I find no evil in this man. If anyone had, the SLMPC woukd have made it headline news 24/7/365.

I support Bobby 100% at this time, however if he does not address this fundamental issue, which I coin as "The Deep Secret" as opposed to the approved boogie man "The Deep State", then nothing will ever change.

I feel like Charlton Heston in Soylent Green screaming "Soylent green is people" and no one gives a damn.

I have gone so far as to compile this evidence on paper, USB stick and FedExed, with confirmation of delivery, a copy to both Bobbys' Cape Cod and California homes. Emailed to his campaign, personally hand delivered to his campaign staff in Philly and directly handed to Bobby, USB only, at Q&A session in Charlotte. I waited patiently to ask this big question, but even though I was in the second row, wearing my RFK hat and shirt, the only one such adorned, as far as I could tell, but was never called on as the incesant questions about Israel ate up most if the Q&A session. I did manage to get his attention though and was directed to wait aside until the "selfie" session ended. (No selfie for me, got mine in Philly for a mear $500 donation to attend meet and greet at the Crystal Tea room. Which by the way, was announced Friday before the Monday event with a minimum $250 donation to attend, but after apparent low response, was dropped to $25 on Sunday, resulting in a full house, now I wish I would have waited). He almost left without seeing me, but I got his attention and 20 seconds of his time before he sped off to Ashville in an SUV, with frighteningly sparce security, thank you Joe Biden, rejected his calls for Secret Service protection despite the custom of providing such for presidential candidates began because of Bobby's fathers' assassination, ironic. I had not enough time to do more than a brief statement of government ownership of the corporations, but I did manage to hand him the USB and him stating he would look at it. So far, crickets.

I asked the "Deep Secret" question, though not titled as such, during a zoom call for supporters held by the campaign, my first experience with zoom, boomer, and after being muted by the moderator, ex CIA Kennedy herself, was politely thanked for my input and told this was not the forum for such discussion but would pass it on. I then tried once more to ask the question on the newly created NC for Kennedy facebook page, but was informed these pages and zoom calls are to coordinate the campaign and not discussion of issues. I get that, but where is the venue for discussion.

I am beginning to feel censored by a campaign who's platform includes fighting censorship. I try to point out that as the governments own stock, let alone majority stock in the SLPM, Alphabet Inc., parent company if Google, YouTube etc, doesn't that make them no longer private companies, the "They can do what they want " excuse given so far for censorship", beholden to the 1st amendment? Shouldnt this be the defense against censorship? I'm not an Attorney but Bobby is. Shouldn't he know this?

The campaign response? Crickets.

Show me I'm wrong here, dispute these facts, but at least answer me.

In my attempt to expose the Deep Secret, I have sent this information to Russell Brand, The Duran and not sure why I bothered, Scott Adams, all be it to their "contact page", crickets. I will Fedex to Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson and any other podcaster, especially those who have interviewed Bobby, but have been unable to secure legitimate addresses to do so.

I support Bobby, for reasons stated, but will support anyone, who has a snowballs chance in hell, who's platform is exposing and rectifying this Deep Secret. Otherwise, the whole thing is pointless.

Except I am a US Navy vet sworn to defend the Constitution in an oath that has no expiration date. So at the risk of being doxed, demonized and possibly losing my life, please help spread this truth.

Feel free to repost anywhere and everywhere.

I should change my name to Don Quixote and this is my quest.

Sincerely, John Hirko. JohnHirko@aol.com

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Fascism is the cooperation between the corporation and the State. They become intertwined. it is the corporate money, not the lobbyists, that buy the power. The government sells its soul for the money and betrays the people. It is always the corporations that wield the power due to their money. You do have it backwards but there is no daylight between these 2 structures--they become beholden to each other. The vote is meaningless as it is manipulated and we have no real choice of candidates except on rare occasions. Kennedy's support for Israel even int he face of its blatant brutal fascism shows he is not that independent as he still falls under the banner of control by AIPAC and the rest of the Israel Lobby. So what does that portend for the pubic?

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I think his wife plays a role in his opinion on Israel. Even before this I would think it odd how she tows him around like a child that needs direction.

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When Kucinich introduced Bobby at his original announcement in Boston and stated; "RFK Jr. can't be bought or bullied" I was so impressed - because, at the time it, was true. It was his authenticity that catapulted his stardom into a Presidential candidate.

And then his stance on Israel destroyed everything proving, not only could he be bought, but also bullied. His wife is the worst - the campaign reeks of Hollywood - the shirtless workout video was an abomination - just who were they pandering to?

The best word to now describe RFK Jr is . . . . uxorious! Totally agree with you Honey!

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You are correct to follow the money. However, you, and RFK Jr. have not gone all the way down the rabbit hole. While it is true the corporations, via their lobbyists, exert the influence on government's, the whole truth, I term the "Deep Secret" , is that the collective goverments of the US, OWN all the corporations, through the stock holdings via their pension funds. In many cases, majority stock, give them "corporate governance" over the corporations, including the Social and Legacy Media. The conflict of influence is earth shattering. As our government's are corporations themselves, we are facists by definition, but also Communist, as the government owns all the corporations. This is not conspiracy theory, but conspiracy fact, documented by their own documents, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, CAFRs, they file each year. To understand this perverted application of the 14th amendment, section 4, "payment of pensions shall not be questioned" research this "Deep Secret", Clint Richardson's "The Great Pension Fund Hoax" is a good start.


Also Walter Burien's


Both, Walter the original, Clint the deep dive documentarian student, prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, this Fascist/Communist parasitic system of government existing solely to control us into providing THEM with a salary AND a retirement. With RFK Jr., I feel for the first time in my life I will NOT have to choose between the lesser of 2 evils, as I find no evil in this man and neither has anyone else. For if they had, it would be headline 24/7. I believe this whole stance on Israel narrative, is in fact, a manufactured evil designed to tarnish his otherwise stellar record and morals. Considering the fact that at this time in history, ANY stance, other than total support for Israel, is a death toll for ANY candidate, as he will never be "allowed" to occupy the White House , with the opposite stance. This should not be a make or break issue as it is designed to be. I say, get him in the White House first, then let see what his policy is. If he doesn't get assassinated, as the tract record Seems to be, before or after, then maybe we will actually have change for the better, assuming he exposes the "Deep Secret". Besides, when considering our options, he is by far, head and shoulders above any and all comers, the best man for the job. What do we have to lose, what do we have to gain? Everything. Note: please copy, download, whatever can be done to preserve this information because once "the Deep Secret" starts to become more widely known, the censorship machine gets wind, the PTSB, the Powers That Shouldn't Be, will be in hyperdrive. This Deep Secret is more important than any other issues, including Israel, by ordered of magnitude. Expose it!


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